Thursday, February 20, 2014

 cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars


Thursdays, other wise known as pre Friday. This is the day that you wake up to super excited about the end of the week, then it all comes crushing down when you realize that there is still one more day to go. My Monday went exactly as expected. I woke up an hour and a half earlier than I should have. This was all because I had a pretty bad headache. I was laying in bed for a little bit before I finally decided to get up and take some aspirin. After grabbing the medicine, I went back to my room and lay back down on my "bed." The clock read 0515. I was laying down for a long while, the last time that I looked at the clock it was 0545. The next thing I knew, my mom was banging down my door. Not literally, though. I quickly looked at the clock, 0700. I panicked a little. I was supposed to be out the door in 10-15 minutes. I jumped out of bed and quickly hopped into the shower. When done with my shower, I got dressed. Just as I was done, my brother and mom were already out the door. Brushing my teeth didn't take long and I was soon out the door as well. The car ride was the same as always. My mom was playing the music up high enough that it was difficult to hear my music at half volume. And then my brother and mom would play these stupid games that the radio station had. Then they would go into a discussion about it. The station that my mom listens to is 104.1 the FISH. She says she listens to it because it doesn't have the edgy music that is played nowadays. But the station has probably forty percent commercials, fifty percent talking, and ten percent music. The station will play two, maybe three songs, then it will go into either a ten minute commercial break, or a short talk, THEN a ten minute commercial break. Such a pain. When we get to school, not one minute after getting out of the car, I get yelled at by the crossing guard for not using the crosswalk. Little does she know that I really don't give a shit. Waiting around for class is always a pain. There's nothing to do and no one was there that I really care to talk to. Class finally came, and civics class was the same as always. We had a short discussion with our teacher, then we worked on some handouts that we were givin to complete in class. I finished early, and then was waiting around for the rest of the class to finish. Class ended finally, and I got into my moms car with the rest of the kids that go to skill center. Man I hate carpooling. I need to get behind the wheel of a vehicle soon or I'm going to go crazy. Skill center went fine, finished a customer vehicle, and almost made the mistake of leaving a coat hanger on the suspension spring behind one of the wheels. Got that all fixed up just after the bell had rung. I got back into the car. I was the last one and so I was stuck in the back. Got to English class early and just stood around waiting to get yelled at by a teacher for being in the halls when we weren't supposed to. Got lucky and didn't get yelled at, which surprised me. English class was boring, like usual. Got in a few Smartass remarks. I have a feeling that my teacher is starting to lose his patience with me. But he does recover quickly from my comment a so it's hard to tell. After a long day of school, I was stuck in the car waiting for my brother to get out of his consultation. When that was over, we headed home. Didn't get back until 1700. I was only able to play half an hour of Xbox before I was kicked off. Not enough time to even finish one game of battlefield three. Dinner soon came afterwards. And following dinner was my usual chores of cleaning up afterwards due to the fact that I am pretty much my moms slave until I can drive again. After all my chores were done, my dad, brother and I sat down in the living room to watch another episode of Firefly. This is now one of my top tv shows if not number one. It became time for me to hit the hay. And sleep soon followed.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wens day

Today was a different wens day than normal. Today, I woke up at nine twenty. This is earlier than I normally wake up. Normally I would wake up at quarter till ten, or at ten. By the time that I had woken up, my mother had already left for work. I remembered that she started at nine. My dad was in his usual place in front of the computer in his office on a conference call, and my brother was still in his room. I followed my normal morning tradition getting ready for the day. I started off with a nice hot shower followed by a light breakfast. For breakfast I decided to have a banana and some yogurt. The banana was slightly brown from sitting for a few days. The yogurt was a mixed berry flavor that was delicious. After eating, I read the note that my mom had left for me on the counter. Like usual, it was a list of chores that she wanted me to do, homework that had to be done, and a list of stuff that I couldn't do. Even though I'm a senior in high school and 18, my mom still treated me like I was ten. Always giving me a bedtime (something that I ignored almost every day), turning in my electronics at night, and constintly complaining about the small amout of language in my music. If she thinks country is bad, then she doesn't wat to listen to what most kids listen to nowadays. Why do my parents have to be the super good people that follow the rules to the letter and freak out if something doesn't follow the same rules that they do. Complete bullshit if you ask me. I finished all my homework in no time, like usual. It's hard for me to get the required amount of hours needed to pass a class just because I normally get the homework done fairly quickly. I know that I could have a high GPA and everything if I tried, but I really don't care at all. Most of the stuff that i have learned in highschool I am never going to use ever again. For example, art. I fucking hate art class. There is no point in it being a required class to take in order to graduate. I will never draw, paint, or do any type of art ever again once I'm graduated. Same goes with history. The only class that I am going to come close to applying is algebra. Anyways, I messed around pretty much for the next few hours before heading to my art class. I didn't have skill center since it was a half say for evergreen school district. During art class I learned absolutely nothing of importance and pretty much wasted three hours of my time total with driving to and from class, and then class itself. When I got home, I had time to play a small amount of Xbox before I was forced to make dinner. What I don't understand is that my brother has way more free time than I do and I'm the one that gets stuck with extra chores. Dinner was made, and after dinner my family decided to watch some tv. I stayed for the first half hour, then got bored and went to my room to go to bed.
Vehicles at not simply machines, they are also have a presence in this world. Not many people relealize this, but there still are a few people that do. You will mainly see these people are mechanics and racers mostly. But not just any mechanic and racer, no. The few that do are ones that actually listen to the vehicle speak. They understand the vehicle. They know what the vehicle likes, doesn't like, and what's wrong. Cars are a prime example. When pushed to their limits, a car will speak to its driver. The driver then knows what the car is saying, and responds in kind. Cars also have attitudes. These attitudes can be classified in two different categories, male and female. Pretty much to find out which one a car is? Listen to its behavior, and then compare that to both a typical male behavior, and a typical female behavior. Which one best fits the car? Many of you that read this will think that I am crazy. Hopefully one day you will understand.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Austin and Jeremy entered the cave a moment later.
"Why don't we stay here for the night"? Austin asked. "The sun is going to set in about 45 minutes, and I doubt we will find a better place to stay for the night. Therese a water source, and plenty of cover."
I looked down at my watch, 1650.
"Wow! I didn't realize it was this late," I though to myself. "Ok," I said aloud. "Sounds like a plan to me."
Jeremy agreed with Austin's suggestion also.
"Alex, go collect some wood to start a small fire, nothing to big though, we want to stay hidden remember. Austin, go lay down some traps to give us a heads up if someone does come along during the night, or something. I'll work on getting some food ready."
Austin grabbed his rifle and exited the cave. I left the cave just behind him. Austin walk back to the trail and started down the path that we had been following for the past half a day. I decided to follow the hill around to look for some wood.
I figured that at the base of the hill would be my best bet. I thought this because if a tree was to fall, it would slid down the hill, therefor, there should be plenty of wood. 
It wasn't long before I came across a dead tree laying across the ground. I walked up to it and started to pull of small twigs, and lightly larger branches for the fire. I grabbed a nice arm load and started back towards the cave.
   Once in seaside, my dad and I met up with my friend and his family. We walked around for a few hours, then my dad and I decided to get some lunch. We walked the half mile to the van and drove across the street to the McDonald's. Now we had brought our own lunches but we went to McDonald's anyways to use the wifi.
   After sitting in the car for around fifty minutes, my dad decided to buy some drinks. It was around this time that I realized that I had parked the mini-van just a bit to far away from McDonald's for a good wifi connection. Since I could really use the Internet, I decided to watch a movie. The movie that I chose was "National Treasure 2 Book of Secrets." After about 5 minutes of watching the movie, my dad came back with the drinks. Now every time I get a soda from McDonalds, I always get a large Dr. Pepper with NO ice, a personal favorite. My dad always drinks a diet coke. If there was no diet coke, then he wouldn't get a soda. period.
  Soon after we were done eating, my dad and I went back to the car show to go watch the cruise that was going to happen later that after noon. But in the meantime, we continued to look at all of the cars that were still on display.
   Pretty soon the car show cruise had begun and my father and I stood at one of the intersections that the cars drove by. The show lasted around an hour, but most of the cars in the show stopped driving around about twenty minutes before that. When that happened, me, my dad, my friend, and my friends family went to a pizza restaurant on the corner that my dad and were standing at not long ago.
   After eating pizza, my friend and I went over to his '67 ford bronco and brought it back to the parking garage for the hotel that he was staying at.
   Finally after a long day of walking, my dad and I finally got to our camping spot in Astoria and stayed the night there.
   In the morning, 

Dear apple,

   I am writing this letter in regards to the new iOS 7 update. With the new update, I am unable to make my COMPLETE photo into my wallpaper. Please fix this issue. Every time I try to change my wallpaper, the photo I select gets magnified to a point where the photo is completely useless as a wallpaper. If I want to have the photo magnified, then the user is fully capable of doing it him/herself.
Don't think, just do. Society tells us how to behave and look. The key to bringing down the door is to be who you chose to be. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing. The person you chose to be may be hated by society, but you will, in the end, be free. Life only comes once for us, let us not waste it. Today is a new day and is ment to be lived to the fullest. Yesterday is the past and we should us that to better ourselves for today. Tomorrow 

Saturday, February 8, 2014


 snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow  snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow  snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

 cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars cars
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