Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nathan TeGar

 Have you ever considered becoming emancipated from your parents? What kind of reasons would make emancipation necessary? My friend Sylvia wishes to become emancipated from her home because she has a lack of personal freedom, she has to share a room with her sister and the fact that her boyfriend is in college. In my opinion Sylvia is a big baby and has foolish and childish reasons to leave her home, there is nothing wrong with having to share a room with your sister, kids should have boundaries and shouldn't be able to what ever they want and the fact that her boyfriend is in college has nothing to do with wanting to be emancipated.
The first reason why Sylvia is a big baby is she wants to leave her home because she has to share a room with her sister. There is nothing wrong with sharing a room with your sibling, studies have shown that siblings get along better when they are forced to live in the same room. When living in the same room you are forced to here each others problems and that brings you closer. Also when living together you can take each others clothes, electronics, toys and anything else you want from them, and if your sibling irritates you all you do is make irritating noises when their trying to sleep! The fact that Sylvia what to leave her home because she has to share a room with her sister proves that shes a baby.
The second reason why Sylvia is a baby is she claims she has a lack of personal freedom. Kids are supposed to have boundaries and shouldn’t be allowed to do what ever they want. Its not like their holding her prisoner and wont let her out or feed her or let use the restroom they are doing what every parent should, its the parent choice to decide what you are allowed to do. The fact that Sylvia wants to become emancipated from her home because she has no personal freedom proves she is a big baby.
The third reason why Sylvia is a big baby is that she wants to leave because her boyfriend is in college. What does that have to do with anything? If she ended up moving out of her house how would she support herself? She would have to finish high school while renting an apartment which means she would have to have a job as well as going to school. The fact that Sylvia says she wants to leave because her boyfriend is in college proves shes a big baby.
In conclusion Sylvia is a big baby because she wants to become emancipated from her home the reasons being she has to share a room with her sister which is no big deal, she has a lack of personal freedom which she should and her boyfriend is in college which has nothing to do with anything.  


  1. Great essay! You had some good points and reasons. I would give it a 3 because it needs to be addressed towards her so she is reads it as if you are telling her this directly. Also, stick with your main ideas in your thesis but other than that, great ideas and good explanations!

  2. This is a good essay . but I would give it a 3 because you are not addressing towards her, and its more of opinion.


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